Release Notes 2024.03.25
- 🦄 Tickets- PDF and common image attachments can now be viewed in a popup
- ✨ Tickets- Read/Unread toggle has been added to multi-select options
- ✨ Tickets- Public comment editor can now easily be accessed in 1-click
- ✨ Tickets- Contact pill in the comment editor now shows the contact card popup when clicked
- ✨ Alerts- Multi-selecting alerts from the same client now allows creating a ticket
- ✨ Alerts- Memory alerts now show the top 10 processes
- ✨ Alerts- CPU alerts now show the top 10 processes
- ✨ Assets- Policy scripts can now be run on demand (like checks)
- ✨ Assets- API endpoints have been segregated to fill alerts on login tick and alert popup
- ✨ Policies- 'Must not match any of these tags' is now available
- ✨ Uptime- List navigation and view performance improvements
- ✨ Documents- List navigation and view performance improvements
- ✨ Integrations- Client mapping is now in alphabetical order with archived clients excluded
- 🐛 Tickets- Fixed an issue where the client focus was not applying properly
- 🐛 Tickets- Fixed an issue where a ticket occasionally could not be scheduled
- 🐛 Tickets- Fixed an issue where unsaved views we not refreshing live
- 🐛 Clients- Fixed an issue where Address Line 2 was not auto-populating